HOME & HORT by JP Clark
HOME & HORT by JP Clark - The Audios
Weatherboard Homes: Part 4 - The audio

Paid episode

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Weatherboard Homes: Part 4 - The audio

Building the dream and surviving the nightmare.

Welcome to part 4 of Weatherboard Homes on JP’s Life and Loves. In the final part of this series I tell you all about the build itself, how it all went disastrously wrong and how we fought through to make it a success.

Excerpt: “And so we fought. I found a new contractor, the loveliest group of people from Transylvania, believe it or not! Every time the…

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HOME & HORT by JP Clark
HOME & HORT by JP Clark - The Audios
An easy, friendly space for interior and garden lovers. Award-winning writer J.P Clark offers design ideas, advice & humorous musings on creating a happy home and garden.