
Uplifting post for January JP!

😂If I could turn back time...💃🏻

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🤣🤣 that scene! So funny!!happy January Chriss. Xx

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I LOVE this advice! As I was having a January garage clearout yesterday(yes, I’d put it on a list) I was eying a ball of fairy lights that I couldn’t find in time for Christmas, and wondered whether I should put them up now instead…. And JP you’re SO right about getting outside. It really does magically make you feel better, even if it’s cold and grey - somehow the magic happens. Thanks for this lovely uplift on a January morning

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Oh definitely put the fairy lights up Jo. Any way we can add a sprinkle of happiness in January is fine in my book.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14Liked by JP Clark

Making this all about me…finally, a bit of validation! I love a list, and the satisfying in-yer-face tick emoji perhaps even more.

I’ve left fairy lights out too. I started a couple of years ago, and arguably have too many around now. I say arguably because I’m prepared for a right royal tear-up if anyone ever tries (dares?) to take them down.

When I de-Christmas-fy, I try to not put all the usual stuff back out. It’s a nice little declutter that seems easier because I’ve already lived without them for a month. I could go on even more, but instead will now reflect in the glory of ‘being seen’, and by JP no less! Just silliness the real reason I’m here is author praise….Thanks for yet another witty and fun, wise and clever article. Love, love, love your writing.

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I love the idea of not putting back all the shelf paraphernalia once the Christmas decs are removed. I might try that too Tina. You are most definitely seen. So glad it resonated. I actually look forward to your comments every Sunday too! X

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Totally agree, JP is FABULOUS

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Right back atcha Jo!

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Jan 14Liked by JP Clark

Great advice JP, yesterday I was going to bring the fairy lights inside, instead I put new batteries in for another month of twinkles!... absolutely why not! Getting out in the garden is the best feeling, once wrapped up you don't even feel the cold, several hours can disappear in an instant! Thanks again for another great read xx

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I’ve heard it’s cold but sunny all this week. So, I intend t get out there and get some jobs done in the garden. Xx

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I’m all for a list 🤎 and getting out in the fresh air is the best way to get the body moving, luckily my two 🐶🐶 are still up for four walks a day, plus the running (and now marathon training 😳) I spend a huge amount of my day outside and love it, nothing beats being out in nature. I’ve never understood why people choose to pay ridiculous gym fees that tie them in for a year and normally before the middle of February never walk through the doors again, other than a decent pair of walking shoes or trainers exercise doesn’t have to cost a penny 😍 I’m all for making the most of January and I’m definitely not taking part in dry January 😂🥂

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Sage advice there Sonya! I did the joining the gym thing once. Biggest waste of money going!

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Definitely fairy lights for Jan maybe even the year! And love a good list! ✨✨✨

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Jan 14Liked by JP Clark

Great post and entertaining. Bound to take many of us out of this dreary month. I admit I was miffed when my my 8 year old wanted a label maker a few years ago. It must start early.

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🤣🤣 I think it gets earlier and earlier my friend!

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Well, yet again, you've made my day, JP! I laughed so much, first at your intro., the middle aged men in baby romper suits dancing in a zoo 😂😂 , the January police depressing us further by silly superstition; going with the flow indoors, I repeat your furniture is not glued to the floor!😂😂😂then sharing the most hilarious clip from Will & Grace! I need to get back to watching W&G series asap! I'm definitely in a Funk. I'm all for hunkering down with a good book, have always got the Twinkly lights burning and hoping I can manifest my wildest dreams. Thanks once again, JP. One thing we can be sure of is your newsletters will never be devoid of light and mirth.


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Franny you write so well. I love your comments! One day, when I can afford it and this newsletter has many more paid subscribers than it currently does, I think I might need to ask you to write for us about what you do! X

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Jan 14Liked by JP Clark

I feel seen. Love a list and add things I’ve already done, constantly moving furniture and have a mountain of paperwork to sort!

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We are clearly kindred spirits Jo!

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Jan 14Liked by JP Clark

You had me at fairy lights and lists, you are my people my tribe. Thank you for the delightful lighthearted read with positive ideas 😊

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And what a happy tribe we are Rhonda! Xx

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So true to use this time to prep and plan for the year ahead xx

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It’s certainly the best use of the time I’d say. Xxx

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Jan 14Liked by JP Clark

That had me laughing out loud! Exactly right JP! Just need to persuade the hubby to help move the furniture so I don’t put my back out, and I’ll be on it. Filing is the bane of everyone’s life but once done - wow! No more wasting hours looking for that one doc that looks the same as everything else!

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Filing is indeed a total snor fest, but you’re right, it makes life so much easier once it’s done. X

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I’m busy unpacking all my fairy lights in our new home. At least moving in January takes your mind off it bring January! LOL! Great article though - I usually loathe January! 🙈

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I’m just about to get my lights stuffed with the batteries I fleeced them of a week ago . Good plan for the evenings ! Been on a bike ride today been trying to do this as much as I can , walking the dogs and work in the garden . My edges are sharp, my bushes are trimmed and I’m feeling good . Soon be spring darling ..love Cher X

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