Nov 26, 2023Liked by JP Clark

Thank you for taking the trouble to write this.

I usually have 12 on Christmas Day. I run 3 card and gift shops so work up to closing on Christmas Eve. I love to cook but by Christmas Day I’m knackered! I’d started thinking ‘how do I make this more enjoyable?’

You’ve made me feel that I can still cook (and take all the credit 😄 rather than M&S) but in a calmer, controlled way.

Off to buy parsnips!

Have a great Sunday.


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Nov 26, 2023Liked by JP Clark

Sorry Elaine Green…that sounds like I’m criticising M&S, which was not the intention. I’d been toying with buying the veg from there this year, rather than cooking it all myself as I usually do, but end up an exhausted heap! Enjoy your salmon en croute….sounds delicious 😃

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Oh I always think a little helps from Marks is good. Their fresh bread sauce is great.

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Oh that’s made my day! Brilliant. It needs a bit of space in the freezer for the first “tray” stage, but once they’re in the carrier bags it’s fine. Hope it helps.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by JP Clark

Thanks for this JP, I'm cooking Christmas dinner this year at my Mother in law's house and was 🤔 I canna mess this up and I don't want to be in the kitchen all day!! As we are at her home the week before Christmas this would be ideal 🙂🥰

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I always set Christmas Eve aside for all my prep, makes it so much easier for the big day, although this year we’ve decided to have a Christmas brunch and a graze board later in the evening; the main event will happen on Boxing Day instead. Oh and you can’t beat a bit of cauliflower cheese with your Christmas dinner!

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To me it’s not Christmas without a cauliflower cheese!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by JP Clark

Morning Jp. All sounds very lovely. I shall start making some room in the freezer over the next two weeks and start prepping Christmas dinner, especially the roast potatoes, parsnips and cauliflower cheese. We don't eat meat so I usually make a salmon en croute but this year I've decided to use M&S for a change!! There is only 3 of us this year so should be easy peasy!!! X

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Salmon en croute sounds fab, but M&S even better!

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023Liked by JP Clark

I love this JP! Thank you!

I’m going to try this but maybe for Boxing Day.

I run my own beauty business so I’m always on my knees by Christmas Eve making everyone look beautiful, so we have decided to make it really easy this year and we are going to have pie and mash with veggies and gravy so I can spend the time enjoying the kids open their presents and actually enjoy Christmas!

Thank you again!

Sarah x

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That sounds like the perfect plan to me!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by JP Clark

This is fantastic JP ! Thank goodness for you ! Thanks so much for sharing all these well honed tips , you are a master of cheffery ❤️( new word ) 😅

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Love that word! 🤣🤣💝

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Never tried freezing roast potatoes but will give it a go, thank you!

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Honestly Mark the are an absolute game changer! I prepare them all year round and have them in the freezer ready. Feels peculiar telling you anything about cooking, I’m no great chef, but I do like a roast tattie!

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Liked by JP Clark

I'm a cook who has always got his ears open to learn

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Thank you for this, JP! Cauliflower cheese is a must at Christmas for me, too. I think you can't have too much cheese.☺️Thanks for the tips on freezing the potatoes so they don't stick. Parsnips are another favourite. We (when there was a 'we'😅) used to fry whole sage leaves in butter then drizzle onto the parsnips with honey. Absolutely delicious. And the sage leaves get crispy, utterly delightful combo. Thanks again, JP.


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Omg Franny that sounds heavenly delicious!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by JP Clark

Love this! You have such a way with words, as if you’re having the best kind of chat with friends. Happy Christmas (thanks to you!)

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Happy Christmas to you too Tina

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I remember when deep fat fryers were a thing, deep fat frying my stuffing balls and freezing to reheat on the day! I wonder if these new fangled air fryers do something similar too?

I used to make lots before when my children were very small - it made life so much easier!

Great tips!

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I bet the air fryer could do it Penny!

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I need one!!! X

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Ooh, I really want to eat a Christmas dinner now after reading this 😆. Great tips and ideas 🎄

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Might have to prep one for this afternoon! 🤣🦃

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