HOME & HORT by JP Clark
HOME & HORT by JP Clark - The Audios
Weatherboard Homes - Part 1 - The Audio

Weatherboard Homes - Part 1 - The Audio

My first true love…although Mr C comes a close second!
One of the many homes I looked at during my research.

This is the first prt of a four part series all about my love of wooden houses and how we built our own. There will also be a two-part series coming soon all about the garden we created.

Excerpt: “Sun—bleached grey wooden steps led up to a small, but amiable verandah. The third deck board passed the top step always creaked as you walked over it as if to remind us that we were home. At least for a while. There was a white-washed timber frame porch door with well-used fly screens that had lost their stretch. It had a spring attached on the inside, so that it slammed shut behind you when you walked through. It always made me jump.”

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HOME & HORT by JP Clark
HOME & HORT by JP Clark - The Audios
An easy, friendly space for interior and garden lovers. Award-winning writer J.P Clark offers design ideas, advice & humorous musings on creating a happy home and garden.